Geo Data
Get Geo Data based on user's IP address. Using API
Please note that the IP location database may not contain all information about a given IP. In this case, only the available data is displayed.
Key Value Description
Flag Country Flag
IP Visitor IP address, or IP address specified as parameter
country_code Two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code
country_code3 Three-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code
country Name of the country
region_code Two-letter ISO-3166-2 state / region code
region Name of the region
city Name of the city
postal_code Postal code / Zip code
continent_code Two-letter continent code
latitude Latitude
longitude Longitude
dma_code Designated Market Area code
area_code area code
as Autonomous System Number and Name
isp Internet service provider
timezone Time Zone


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