Demos |
Name |
Description |
On Mouse |
When cursor moves over image it changes. |
Other 1 |
When cursor moves over image it changes two images. |
Random Image |
When page is loaded a random image appears. Up to three images in this demo. |
Browser Properties |
Displays user's browser properties. |
Dialog Boxes |
Displays a dialog box for the user. |
Status Bar |
Displays a message in the status bar. |
Display Text |
Displays entered text by users selection. |
Marquee |
Displays a marquee (moving text). |
Date & Time |
Displays date and time from user system clock. |
Validating |
Displays an alert mesage if user doesn't fill out form correctly. |
Test |
Let a user know there performance on a test. |
Conditional Pop-ups |
Sets options based on users selected option. |
Dialog Help |
Additional help for a user by clicking the field titles. |
Scrolling Messages |
Scoll messages in the status bar. |
Number to Text Description |
Converts a number to it's text description. |
Parse a String |
Parse a string using valid characters. You can parse the string in either direction, forward or backwards. |
Regular Expression testing tool |
Regular Expression testing tool. |
Sentance Case |
Formats text in field. First letter capitalized for each punctuation mark, remaining text is converted to lower case. Capitializes any " i " found in text field. Also adds trailing double space to each punctuation mark. Valid punctuation marks ( . ! ? ) Note: returns will apitalized first letter but, will not add the trailing double spaces.. |
Title Case |
Formats text in field. First letter capitalized for each space or period found. Remaining text is converted to lower case. Sugguested uses: Name, Address, Country fields of any other input fields that may require this type of formatting. |
Number Format |
Rounds and formats a number. |
Mask Format |
Masks a value. Usefull when you do not want the user to see all of the actual values entered. Examples: SSN, Credit Card Numbers. |
Escape and Unescape |
Escape and Unescape converts ASCII Characters and hexadecimal values. |
dates.js |
Additional date functions in a javascript file. Usefully when you want to perform some date calculations. |
dateTime.js |
Extends the Date functions by using prototype. Usefully when you want to perform some date calculations. |
Cookies |
Three cookie functions in a javascript file. For when you need to use cookies in a web page. |
Check Digit |
Generate or Verify a check digit. A check digit is used on credit cards, bar codes, routing numbers, etc. The check digit will verify that a user entered the number in correctly. It does not validate the number, that would be determined by the company or individual who made the numbers. |
Postnet Barcode |
Generate a Postnet check digit and barcode. |
Slide Show |
View images by a sequential number or build an array of specific file names. |
Mutiple Image Viewer |
View images larger by clicking on thumbnail images. |
Progess Window |
Displays a popup window to user. Let's user know something is going on. Useful when some time elaspes before new page loads. Examples: uploading large images, intensive database operations, etc. |
Morse Code Generator |
Enter your alphanumeric text and transform into morse code. Morse Code was invented by Samuel Morse in 1838. |
Check Window Size |
Checks to see if users window is set to the minimum size. If users window size is below the minimum, window will be resized to specifed settings. |
Caesar Cipher |
Caesar Cipher it is a type of substitution cipher in which each letter in the plaintext is replaced by a letter in the cipher alphabet. |
Unique ID |
Generates a Unique Id. Id consisit of a randomized: number, week number, year, month, day, hour, minute, second and milsecond. Then coverted to hex. |
Progress Bar |
Generates a pop up simulated progess bar. Centers in browser window. |
Date Format |
Format a date. |
Mouse Coordinates |
Gets mouse coordinates. |
Social Security Number Area Number |
Gets the state that the Social Security card was issued in, based on the first digits of a Social Security Number. |
Digital Alarm Clock |
Display's system time in digital clock format with optional alarm settings. |
Date Calculation |
Calculates future/past date based on number entered. For past date use a negative number. |
Select Checkboxes |
Selects or unselects checkboxes. |
Random Numbers |
Generates a set of random numbers in a comma delimited list. |
Base64 |
Encode or Decode in Base64 |
Screen Aspect Ratio |
Calculates Screen Aspect Ratio. |
Screen & Browser Info |
Display userAgent, doctype, screen & browser Information. |
Mobile Device UserAgent Test |
Test Mobile Device UserAgents. |
Load JSON using Yahoo Pipes (xml) |
Load JSON using Yahoo Pipes. Use Yahoo Pipes to convert: xml, rss, csv files into JSON. Bypassing the same domain issue. This example is converting a xml file. |
Load JSON using Yahoo Pipes (csv) |
Load JSON using Yahoo Pipes. Use Yahoo Pipes to convert: xml, rss, csv files into JSON. Bypassing the same domain issue. This example is converting a csv file. |
UTF-8 url encode and decode |
UTF-8 url encode and decode |
Creates a 29-day biorhythm chart |
Biorhythms |
Converting Color Values |
Converting Color Values |
Is a word a Palindrome |
Is a word or words a Palindrome. Palindromes can be a word spelled the same foreward and backward. |
Pagination |
Pagination Data file used to generate different types of pagination styles. |
Parse URL Query String |
Parse URL Query String. Removes hash. Checks for repeated keys, single and mutiple values and both delimiters & ; |
Geo Data based on IP |
Get Geo Data based on user's IP address. Using API and MaxMind Data |
Activate button on scrolling to bottom |
Activate button on scrolling to bottom |
Guess your picked item |
Guess your picked item |