Javascripts are small programs built within the web page. Click on desired item to run demo.
Demos Name Description
On Mouse demo On Mouse When cursor moves over image it changes.
Other 1 demo. Other 1 When cursor moves over image it changes two images.
Random Image demo. Random Image When page is loaded a random image appears. Up to three images in this demo.
Browser Properties demo. Browser Properties Displays user's browser properties.
Dialog Boxes demo. Dialog Boxes Displays a dialog box for the user.
Status Bar demo. Status Bar Displays a message in the status bar.
Display Text demo. Display Text Displays entered text by users selection.
Marquee demo. Marquee Displays a marquee (moving text).
Date & Time demo. Date & Time Displays date and time from user system clock.
Validating Validating Displays an alert mesage if user doesn't fill out form correctly.
Test Test Let a user know there performance on a test.
Conditional Pop-ups Conditional Pop-ups Sets options based on users selected option.
Dialog Help Dialog Help Additional help for a user by clicking the field titles.
Scrolling Messages Scrolling Messages Scoll messages in the status bar.
Number to Text Description Number to Text Description Converts a number to it's text description.
Parse a String Parse a String Parse a string using valid characters. You can parse the string in either direction, forward or backwards.
Regular Expression testing tool. Regular Expression testing tool Regular Expression testing tool.
Sentance Case. Sentance Case Formats text in field. First letter capitalized for each punctuation mark, remaining text is converted to lower case. Capitializes any " i " found in text field. Also adds trailing double space to each punctuation mark. Valid punctuation marks ( . ! ? ) Note: returns will apitalized first letter but, will not add the trailing double spaces..
Title Case. Title Case Formats text in field. First letter capitalized for each space or period found. Remaining text is converted to lower case. Sugguested uses: Name, Address, Country fields of any other input fields that may require this type of formatting.
Number Format. Number Format Rounds and formats a number.
Mask Format. Mask Format Masks a value. Usefull when you do not want the user to see all of the actual values entered. Examples: SSN, Credit Card Numbers.
Escape and Unescape. Escape and Unescape Escape and Unescape converts ASCII Characters and hexadecimal values.
dates.js dates.js Additional date functions in a javascript file. Usefully when you want to perform some date calculations.
dateTime.js dateTime.js Extends the Date functions by using prototype. Usefully when you want to perform some date calculations.
Cookies. Cookies Three cookie functions in a javascript file. For when you need to use cookies in a web page.
Check Digit. Check Digit Generate or Verify a check digit. A check digit is used on credit cards, bar codes, routing numbers, etc. The check digit will verify that a user entered the number in correctly. It does not validate the number, that would be determined by the company or individual who made the numbers.
Postnet Barcode Postnet Barcode Generate a Postnet check digit and barcode.
Slide Show Slide Show View images by a sequential number or build an array of specific file names.
Mutiple Image Viewer Mutiple Image Viewer View images larger by clicking on thumbnail images.
Progess Window Progess Window Displays a popup window to user. Let's user know something is going on. Useful when some time elaspes before new page loads. Examples: uploading large images, intensive database operations, etc.
Morse Code Generator Morse Code Generator Enter your alphanumeric text and transform into morse code. Morse Code was invented by Samuel Morse in 1838.
Check Window Size Check Window Size Checks to see if users window is set to the minimum size. If users window size is below the minimum, window will be resized to specifed settings.
Caesar Cipher Caesar Cipher Caesar Cipher it is a type of substitution cipher in which each letter in the plaintext is replaced by a letter in the cipher alphabet.
Unique ID Unique ID Generates a Unique Id. Id consisit of a randomized: number, week number, year, month, day, hour, minute, second and milsecond. Then coverted to hex.
Progress Bar Progress Bar Generates a pop up simulated progess bar. Centers in browser window.
Date Format Date Format Format a date.
Mouse Coordinates Mouse Coordinates Gets mouse coordinates.
Social Security Number Area Number Social Security Number Area Number Gets the state that the Social Security card was issued in, based on the first digits of a Social Security Number.
Digital Alarm Clock Digital Alarm Clock Display's system time in digital clock format with optional alarm settings.
Date Calculation Date Calculation Calculates future/past date based on number entered. For past date use a negative number.
Select Checkboxes Select Checkboxes Selects or unselects checkboxes.
Random Numbers Random Numbers Generates a set of random numbers in a comma delimited list.
Base64 Base64 Encode or Decode in Base64
Screen Aspect Ratio Screen Aspect Ratio Calculates Screen Aspect Ratio.
Screen & Browser Info Screen & Browser Info Display userAgent, doctype, screen & browser Information.
Mobile Device UserAgent Test Mobile Device UserAgent Test Test Mobile Device UserAgents.
Load JSON using Yahoo Pipes (xml) Load JSON using Yahoo Pipes (xml) Load JSON using Yahoo Pipes. Use Yahoo Pipes to convert: xml, rss, csv files into JSON. Bypassing the same domain issue. This example is converting a xml file.
Load JSON using Yahoo Pipes (csv) Load JSON using Yahoo Pipes (csv) Load JSON using Yahoo Pipes. Use Yahoo Pipes to convert: xml, rss, csv files into JSON. Bypassing the same domain issue. This example is converting a csv file.
UTF-8 url encode and decode UTF-8 url encode and decode UTF-8 url encode and decode
Biorhythms Creates a 29-day biorhythm chart Biorhythms
Converting Color Values Converting Color Values Converting Color Values
Is a word a Palindrome Is a word a Palindrome Is a word or words a Palindrome. Palindromes can be a word spelled the same foreward and backward.
Pagination Pagination Pagination Data file used to generate different types of pagination styles.
Parse URL Query String Parse URL Query String Parse URL Query String. Removes hash. Checks for repeated keys, single and mutiple values and both delimiters & ;
Geo Data based on IP Geo Data based on IP Get Geo Data based on user's IP address. Using API and MaxMind Data
Activate button on scrolling to bottom Activate button on scrolling to bottom Activate button on scrolling to bottom
Guess your picked item Guess your picked item Guess your picked item