Fonts can displayed in serif, sans-serif or fonts loaded in a users browser.
Fonts Text Display
Sans-Serif Sample text here. You can see how some of the fonts on this page are displayed in sans-serif and other text is displayed in serif. Or depending on the fonts you have installed in your web browser.
Serif Sample text here. You can see how some of the fonts on this page are displayed in sans-serif and other text is displayed in serif. Or depending on the fonts you have installed in your web browser.
Note: If you have the fonts below installed on your computer.
You should see the below text displayed in that font.
Comic Sans MS Sample text here. You can see how some of the fonts on this page are displayed in sans-serif and other text is displayed in serif. Or depending on the fonts you have installed in your web browser.
Braggadocio Sample text here. You can see how some of the fonts on this page are displayed in sans-serif and other text is displayed in serif. Or depending on the fonts you have installed in your web browser.